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Data Sovereignty & Ethics

The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive is a digitized community archive containing both official and unofficial records documenting contemporary history pertaining to the Hawaiian Movement. 

Rules governing the use of the digital archival collections in the Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive are developed to facilitate research and to assist in the pono administration and protection of rare, fragile, and/or unique materials. Preserving these irreplaceable materials is a responsibility shared by archive stewards, student assistants, and researchers.

• We believe the Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archives materials present a history integral to both Hawai’i and world histories.

• We believe in a broad conception of “Hawaiian” identity, centered on those who trace their ethnic and/or political heritage to Hawai’i, and the many Hawaiian diaspora communities across the globe.


• We believe that individuals make history, that ordinary people make extraordinary contributions to society, and that everyday stories matter.

• We believe that history is not a spectator sport.


• We acknowledge the harm of technology and data to Indigenous people.

• We believe communities can use technology, data, and history as a tool for empowerment and, through these, advocate for Indigenous research methodologies and Indigenous data sovereignty

• We believe that strong archives are vital to community wellbeing and that archives can be dynamic spaces for dialogue and debate.


The following CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance allow access to the collections while also ensuring their preservation as permanent resources for the community.















The figure above shows the FAIR Guiding Principles & CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance (GIDA, 2022b), representing the ways in which the Archive interacts with Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Indigenous Data Governance.



The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive is an open-source resource easily found through a google source and linked to the main archive website. Data and supplementary materials have rich metadata and a unique persistent identifier.


In order to make The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive as accessible we have digitized materials. Data is then uploaded into a sharable google drive with the community. Metadata and data are understandable to humans and machines. 


The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive’s digitized materials are scanned with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), making it possible to search within materials with text. Metadata uses a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. 


Through the process of digitizing the materials we have protected the primary source while making the digitized source able to be looked at by multiple individuals at a time. Data and procedures are replicable for other community archives to take part. 

We have thus made the access to the Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive FAIR.


In return, we simply ask that as individuals using the Archive do so with CARE.

Collective Benefit:

The Richarch Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archives is designed and functions in ways that enable Hawaiians to derive benefit from the data.

Authority and Control:


The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archives recognizes and expects users to recognize the Hawaiian rights and interests in indigenous data and the authority to control such data like the archives as empowerment. Known as Indigenous Data Governance this process enables Indigenous Peoples and governing bodies to determine how Indigenous People, as well as Indigenous lands, territories, resources, knowledges, and geographical indicators, are represented and identified within the archive materials. 




The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive and its users are working with Indigenous data, and therefore have the kuleana (responsibility) to the materials that support Indigenous self-determination and collective benefit. The archival materials are sacred sources of information and accountability falls not only on the Archive, but its users to properly represent such materials. 




The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive has put Hawaiian rights and wellbeing at the center of all stages of the data ecosystem and life cycle. Thus, users are expected to use and access materials with these same ideas in mind of how to ethically interact with materials for future use.

For Research and Researchers there is additional requirements listed below:

  • Researchers must complete a Researchers Registration Form prior to using the materials in the collection, and annually thereafter (email us at

  • If materials in the Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive should become a significant resource for publication, we request that a copy of the published work be presented to the Archive and acknowledgement in the citations.


We're here to help!

Please reach out to us at to schedule a workshop or let us know what we can do to support your efforts!

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Our Statement of Principles

The Richard Kekuni Blaisdell Hawaiian National Archive grounds its work through these core principles and standards of conduct.


These principles are intended to be a living document that allows the HNA ʻOhana to hold and be held accountable to one another, our kupuna, and the Lāhui as this work of aloha ʻāina evolves.

  • Catalogue coming soon...

  • Leave us a comment on the photos or documents here to provide any additional history or context you'd like to share -- let's tell the history of the movement, together!


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